Sunday, 31 May 2020


Humans are the most adaptable species on the planet. Our ability to align with our environment is something we probably take for granted. Yet it is precisely what enables us to function so well even in the ever-changing reality of the 21st century. 

The outbreak of COVID-19 has started in December 2019 from the Wuhan city of China. At the end of December, public health officials from China informed the World Health Organization that they had a problem: an unknown, new virus was causing pneumonia-like illness in the city of Wuhan. They quickly determined that it was a coronavirus and rapidly spreading through and outside of Wuhan and declared ‘Pandemic’ by WHO. The symptoms of the coronavirus are diagnosed to be mainly fever, tiredness, sore throat, dry cough, cold. The coronavirus spreads through the droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose by the infected person through cough or sneeze. If these droplets make it into another person’s eyes, mouth or nose, they can get sick. The viruses in those little droplets can also fall onto surfaces, like tables or doorknobs and if someone touches that surface and touches their eyes, mouth or nose, they can also get sick. On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however, it can take up to 14 days for some others. The structure of SARS CoV -2 is well built to enter into the host cells and attack the tissues or cells of throat, trachea, and a pulmonary tract on its onset with pneumonia-like adverse effects and eventually leading to the damage of the other tissues and cells of the body causing multiple dysfunctions of organs and severing the condition of the host leading to death. The mutation caused in the SARS coronavirus structure promised a great challenging structure to the world. 


Journal by Dr.Yashoda Tammineni,
MSc, Ph.D.

Teja Dakuri

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